The Complete Guide to Becoming an Advanced Flutter Developer: A Step-by-Step Journey

Andro Buddy Technologies
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


image by ©Google Developers


Embarking on a journey to become a Flutter developer is an exciting endeavor filled with endless possibilities. Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, has gained immense popularity for its fast development cycle, expressive UI, and native performance. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned developer looking to expand your skill set, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of becoming an advanced Flutter developer.

Week 1: Introduction to Flutter

Day 1–2: Setting Up Environment
- Install Flutter SDK, Android Studio/Visual Studio Code, and the necessary plugins.
- Set up an emulator or connect a physical device for testing.

Day 3–4: Dart Basics
- Learn Dart basics: variables, data types, functions, and classes.
- Complete Dart tutorials and simple exercises.

Day 5–6: Flutter Basics
- Understand Flutter basics: widgets, layouts, and stateful/stateless widgets.
- Complete introductory Flutter tutorials and build a simple app.

Week 2: Building User Interfaces

Day 7–8: Layouts and Widgets
- Explore Flutter layout widgets: Container, Row, Column, Stack, etc.
- Practice building various UI layouts.

Day 9–10: Styling and Themes
- Learn about styling widgets using themes and ThemeData.
- Implement custom styles and themes in a Flutter app.

Day 11–12: Navigation
- Understand navigation in Flutter using Navigator.
- Implement simple navigation patterns: push, pop, and named routes.

Week 3: State Management

Day 13–14: Stateful Widgets
- Dive into stateful widgets and managing local states.
- Build a simple app with stateful widgets.

Day 15–16: setState and InheritedWidget
- Learn about setState for managing widget states.
- Explore InheritedWidget for sharing data across the widget tree.

Day 17–18: Provider Package
- Understand state management with the provider package.
- Implement a provider for managing the app state.

Week 4: Networking and Data Handling

Day 19-20: HTTP Requests
- Learn to make HTTP requests in Flutter using the HTTP package.
- Fetch data from a REST API and display it in a Flutter app.

Day 21–22: JSON Parsing
- Practice parsing JSON data in Flutter.
- Display parsed data in UI components.

Day 23–24: Persistence
- Explore persistence options: shared_preferences for key-value storage.
- Implement basic data persistence in a Flutter app.

Week 5: Intermediate Concepts

Day 25–26: Animations
- Understand Flutter animation basics.
- Implement simple animations in a Flutter app.

Day 27–28: Complex UIs
- Build complex UIs with nested widgets and custom layouts.
- Practice implementing various UI components.

Day 29–30: Testing
- Learn about testing in Flutter: unit tests, and widget tests.
- Write basic tests for a Flutter app.

Week 6: Advanced Topics

Day 31–32: Advanced State Management
- Explore advanced state management solutions like Provider with ChangeNotifier.
- Implement complex state management patterns.

Day 33–34: Platform Channels
- Understand platform channels for integrating native code.
- Explore platform-specific features and integrations.

Day 35–36: Optimization
- Learn performance optimization techniques in Flutter.
- Profile and optimize a Flutter app for performance.

Week 7–8: Projects and Deployment

Day 37–40: Project Development
- Work on a medium-sized Flutter project.
- Apply all learned concepts and best practices.

Day 41–44: Testing and Debugging
- Test and debug the Flutter project.
- Ensure app functionality and stability.

Day 45–48: Deployment
- Deploy the Flutter app to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
- Follow deployment guidelines and best practices.

Day 49–50: Review and Refinement
- Review the entire Flutter learning journey.
- Refine skills and address any gaps.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the journey from a beginner to an advanced Flutter developer. By following this step-by-step guide and dedicating yourself to continuous learning and practice, you’ve acquired the skills and knowledge needed to build high-quality Flutter applications. Remember, the Flutter community is vibrant and supportive, so don’t hesitate to seek help, share your experiences, and contribute to the community as you continue to grow as a Flutter developer. Happy coding!

Guide By Er. Adnan B. Attar (LinkedIn, Stackoverflow, GitHub)

